Chart Quadrat Dataset for grassland species in MT and AZ An example dataset that contains data from mapped plant chart quadrats. Each row is an observation of one plant.
Chart Quadrat Dataset for grassland species in MT and AZ An example dataset that contains data from mapped plant chart quadrats. Each row is an observation of one plant.
An sf data frame with 1242 rows and 15 variables:
- Species
A character string indicating the specific epithet for this observation. The ideal formats are the 1) the latin binomial separated by a space (i.e. "Bouteloua gracilis"), 2) the latin binomial separated by an underscore (i.e. "Bouteloua_gracilis"), or 3) a species code consisting of the first n' letters of each element of the latin binomial (i.e. "BOUGRA" or "BOGR"). Whichever format is used, it must be used for all rows.
- Clone
An integer vector. (1) indicates that this individual is a clone (genet). (0) indicates that this individual is not a clone. NA indicates that this data was not recorded.
- Seedling
An integer vector indicating whether this observation was a seedling (1), or not (0). This data was not collected for many observations, which have an NA in this column.
- Stems
An integer greater than 0 indicating how many stems were present for the observed plant. This data was not collected for many observations, which have an NA in this column.
- Basal
An integer vector. (1) indicates that the basal area of this individual was mapped. (0) indicates that the basal area of this individual was not mapped (in which case it cannot be used in the
function.) NA indicates that this data was not recorded.- Type
A factor with two levels: 'point' or 'poly', which indicates whether the observation was originally mapped as a 'point' or a 'polygon'.
- Site
A character string indicating the sampling location of this observation. In this dataset, this value is either:
AZ (Santa Rita Experimental Range, Tucson, AZ)
MT (Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory, Miles City, MT)
- Quad
A character string indicating the name of the quadrat where this plant was mapped.
- Year
An integer indicating the year when this plant was mapped.
- sp_code_4
A character string of the 4-letter species code for this observation (The first two letters of the genus name, and first two letters of the species name, capitalized with no spaces).
- sp_code_6
A character string of the 6-letter species code for this observation (The first three letters of the genus name, and first three letters of the species name, capitalized with no spaces).
- Area
A numeric variable indicating the basal area in m^2 of this observation. In this dataset, observations originally mapped as points were assigned an area of 2.46e-05 m^2. For individuals mapped as polygons, the value in this column indicates the basal area of that plant.
- geometry
The sf geometry of class "MULTIPOLYGON" for this observation. The location of this polygon indicates the plant's location in a 1 m x 1 m square. If the plant was mapped as a polygon, the area of this polygon indicates the basal area of that plant.